Arcade Cabinet 3.0

Arcade Cabinet 3.0

Welcome back!

Edit: October 10th, 2017-

I put some time into the cabinet over the last two weeks (including help from RM and Staple1161) and it’s mostly done now.

I cut the steering wheel and extended the wiring to allow the shifter to “fold away”.  This also allow the wheel to fit in the middle space now.

I dropped the UPS for twin 7 block power bars.

I wired the power switch (always a pain to reach before) into a lighted button and powered the light off the board’s power led wires.

RM wrapped and cleaned up the molex wires.

I hooked up the 24V power supply to the gun so that it gives force feedback/click (FINALLY). -Video Below

I wired the exterior (2) USB hubs in.

Cleaned up the wiring by re-running everything.

Re-built the network port on the back as it was always fcuking up.

Staple1161 got the speakers working and they sound great.

Cut out the hole and mounted the ATX power supply, wired it to the amp.

…. Blew the ATX power supply by trying to swap the damaged fan to a new one- arc’d the heatsink to the frame and blew it.

My whole arcade cabinet has been rebuilt from the bottom up (*again).

Here’s the 3d Render:
See some in-progress pics: